Saturday 24 April 2010

What role is race playing in the 2010 elections?

In East London there has been increasing concerns in recent years that the British National Party will gain an MP. In 2009 the House of commons Library produced a research note which examined the performance of the BNP in Uk general elections from 1992-2005 and in local elections. Take a look to see if they are becoming more popular.
Certainly they continue to generate media coverage. In the news this week The BNP caused a stir by using images of Marmite in their election broadcast
The Institute for Policy Research recently published a survey which examined why people support the BNP. It argued that alienation not immigration was the main cause in the 150 local authorities studied.
SearchLight magazine has some articles which discuss the key battlefields and issues at stake on its Hope not hate website
The Guardian newspaper also has stories and reports covering race in the Campaigns. It also exposed the geographical spread of BNP supporters in an earlier article (which drew upon leaked membership names)
Other monitors of the dangers of the BNP are the Institute of Race Relations which has news clippings on its website and the Muslim Council of Britain
On a related note a the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust have produced a couple of useful pamphlets on the nature of the BNP and its supporters.
British National Party: Inside the Roots of Its Appeal has statistics and analysis of the socio-economic background of BNP supporters, regional variations in BNP support and the relationship between the BNP and other UK political parties.
The Far Right in London: a challenge for local democracy? was published in 2005 and considered its role and tactics in East London
Finally you can browse the Intute catalogue to find more articles and resources.

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